

Kaj is a wonderfully generous facilitator who holds space for all types of issues. Having a firm clarity and understanding of systemic constellations and its dynamics, I have and would recommend people to his workshops, Kaj allows you to stretch your emotional and spiritual awareness in a focussed and safe way.

Kaj is a considered and thoughtful constellator who expertly helped me unravel and dispose of a lifelong addiction.  Hugely recommended.

Kaj is an earth angel with a trickster uprising! You’re in good hands in every sense. I’ve experienced both his massage magic and his wonderful constellations. In both I feel he brings his whole heart, body and mind to the task of solving the eternal question: who am I and what am I doing?!

Kaj Meerstadt is an amazing workshop facilitator, and a super tuned in human being. I love his magical ability to see the greater truth of what’s emerging in the group and connect the dots in a way that each participant gets the most value from the workshop.

Based on my experience with Kaj’s work I highly recommend it! Especially if you’re anyone who’s into self-exploration, dealing with anything specific that may need a deeper inner look, or just curious and up for something new. 😊

I’ve had the pleasure of sitting in a couple of constellations led by Kaj. Each time, he’s shown great awareness of what’s unfolding (or looking to unfold) in the constellation, as well as an assured but gentle touch. He navigates the space with ease, and his passion for this work is evident throughout. With Kaj, you’re in good hands.

Kaj you came across as an exceptional leader. You ‘popped my cherry’ And I am grateful. I told you on the night that you are doing great work, you are. Keep up THE GOOD WORK.

It’s amazing to see how people stories are so similar to ours, and through them we can re-live moments of our life from a different perspective. 

Kaj moves among people with respect, empathy and always at the right moment he says or does something that highlights the mental/ physical blocks we have had up to now, so that we can became aware of it and work on it.

I highly recommend the systemic constellations with Kaj.

I participated in a family constellation workshop with Kaj, and found a man, radiating with warmth, who is able to hold safe space and knows how to allow the “secret” that has not yet been discovered, reveal itself through deep listening, allowing it space and with great sensitivity.

I did constellations with Kaj few months ago. I was dealing with certain disempowering emotions and was not sure how to deal with them and since I know constellations are a fantastic way to allow healing, I thought to give it a try. I found Kaj very caring and gentle, it was evident that he genuinely cares about people, and he is deeply passionate about constellations and the healing this work allows. He guided me as well as everyone else through the process and what will happen during each session of the constellations, and he allowed everyone to work at their own speed. Everyone did the constellation when they felt ready to do so. I got such huge amount out of the it, I have realised how the family dynamics influence me, my life and my relationship with the world and I have realised there is still a lot of unresolved stuff with my father and mother. A lot of it got not only revealed but cleared during the session and I cannot thank Kaj enough. I have absolutely loved it, and I will certainly be back. I would recommend it to anyone to do a session with him as I am positive that everyone would uncover some things that could be cleared or healed, and they would be able to heal it in a fast and effective way. 

Dear Kaj, I was going to email you anyway to thank you for yesterday’s workshop. It was amazing! You held it together so well and enabled us to do such good work it felt like a real team. Everyone worked with such respect, compassion and sensitivity. I was so moved by what we created.   I really appreciated being able to constellate my family and I found it very insightful. I haven’t processed it all yet… And a lot of that was down to your sensitivity and awareness and holding the space. I also really enjoyed the cakes biscuits and fruit you sustained us with.

Kaj is a first-class facilitator with a sensitive, intuitive feeling for the hidden emotional blockages in people and how to gently surface them for release. I attended one of his day workshops and found him a warm soul-friend, positive and professional. I got a huge amount from the day and came away healed, energised and grateful.

Kaj does an amazing job at helping and encouraging people to look at their lives and issues through different perspectives. I felt that with each session I gain a new level of clarity, connection and confidence. Thanks for bringing amazing transformational power to people’s lives and from me in particular for showing me a new path and a new place where I don’t need to feel so lost and alone. Good vibes to you and may we have light and joy at every step of our journeys!

Kaj is a great facilitator as he pays attention to everyone, making sure they are at ease. I really enjoyed the family constellation workshop, it’s a great tool to get to the bottom of things and understand behaviours (including your own). I recommend to anyone to participate, have an open mind and trust the process, wonderful things can happen if you do.

I feel that constellations have shifted a lot in my life. The results are much clearer and quicker than any other form of therapy that I have done so far. It is like a tool which allows me to actively address current issues. I really want to put my personal and family issues out of the way to move forward in my personal development. I don’t want to feel stuck in the past or due to my past, or rather that my past dominates my present and my future. I really want to move on. In a way, I also feel that some constellations I did helped my siblings / us as a family as well. So, I am not doing it only for myself, which is a nice side effect 😉

I just wanted to let you know that I benefitted so much from the constellation I attended.

The day after that constellation I went for my singing lesson which I have been doing for two years and I sang in such a different way. It’s like someone had removed some breaks that were blocking my lungs. I was singing freely. It was amazing.

Thank you so much for your workshop yesterday. It really resonated with me and my actual situation.

I feel very calm and grounded today and very acceptance of my family as they are.

Also, feel very light in my body, like a feather, like a big weight was taken off from me🤔

Looking forward to more changes in my life and I hope I will see you when I feel the pull to do

a constellation again.

I really like your calm and grounded energy. 😇

In my view, you work very professionally and respond to the individual needs in a very appreciative way. Within a very short time, you can create a safe space in which I can get involved in the process intensively. You radiate inner peace, thoughtful action and high concentration that allows me to trust you and the process. I am always fascinated by your approach and the results. 

I highly recommend Kaj’s workshops. It’s a great experience and even if you only represent you still gain good insight into your own issues and ways of dealing with them. Kaj’s approach is gentle, and he is a great facilitator. 

121 Work

Even if I wasn’t sure where working with Kaj would take me, I felt no hesitation, I trusted the process. Trusted there was a reason why I was called to work with him, and later, found out I made the right decision to just trust the process.

I was struggling with how to start my business, and the conflicted feminine v masculine energy I was holding. I also wanted to work on the victim/perpetrator energy playing out in me that was stopping me from moving forward in the direction of my heart.

Since we started working together things are moving on a very deep soul level. I have now taken the first steps to start my practice in the best possible way, feeling more at ease with being in movement and action.

I am still working with Kaj in rebalancing the inner feminine and masculine. Going at exactly the right pace for me. I deeply feel the changes reorganising themselves in my system. My relationship with my partner has also evolved to more closeness, respect and balance.

Kaj has given me key techniques to be more holding, loving and present to myself and my inner child. I feel more stable and more strength in taking care of my own needs.

Every session I feel supported and held when it comes to going through my process. I feel guided toward release of old weight or pain and always brought into contact with my own strength. I leave each session feeling enriched and stronger, more able to face my everyday life challenges.

Thank you for your generosity in sharing your great knowledge. Thank you for leading me on this journey of finding myself and bringing inner peace where needed.

IG, Italy

Kaj helped me through a rough patch during which I could not see my regular therapist. He seamlessly connected where I had left off in my previous work and I was deeply impressed by his ability to intuit what I was needing at the time. Every session was a unique combination of meditation, bodywork and compassionate inquiry which brought me to tears of sadness and joy.

Kaj helped me get more in touch with my (lack of) grounding and brought me to more self-acceptance along my path. After every session, I felt more energized, confident, and curious about what my day had in store for me.

Since working with Kaj, I have recommended him to several of my contacts who have all thanked me for doing so. Kaj holds space in a way that is grounded in experience and exceptionally versatile. I am very grateful to know that whenever need someone to hold space for me, I can book in a session with Kaj.

AC, Netherlands

Thank you again. Truly. You, like me, are comfortable within the inner landscape. I felt your confidence there. Beautiful. You were “sure” in there. The inner landscape is just so rich and beautiful. I appreciate you.




My approach

My work is guided by my desire to restore flow of love and alleviate suffering. To help you turn what you regard to be shitty about your life into fertile ground.

Trainings and credentials

Latest: Gabor Mate’s Compassionate Inquiry, practitioner / 2022

My story

For a long time I believed the world was a dangerous place.

My philosophy

“Sweet are the uses of adversity, Which, like the toad, ugly and venomous, Wears yet a precious jewel in his head.” / William Shakespeare

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I offer a free 30-minute chat to see if we’re a good fit. Enter your information below and I will get in touch to arrange the call.


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